<![CDATA[Dayaalu Center - Wellness Tips]]>Fri, 18 Oct 2024 15:08:45 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Deepen Your Relationship to Gratitude]]>Thu, 09 May 2019 22:31:34 GMThttp://dayaalucenter.com/wellness-tips/deepen-your-relationship-to-gratitudeBy Susan James, Yoga Teacher and certified Health and Wellness Coach 

We all have some sort of relationship with gratitude, how deep is yours? One of the gratitude practices that has helped boost my health at many levels is keeping a Gratitude Journal. I have done this for the last ten years, and it is a practical way to stay healthy. Having a specific journal where you can focus on beautiful moments of the day, what is going well in life, and other things you are grateful for can increase your quality of daily living significantly. 
Here are just a few scientifically proven benefits of gratitude journaling:
  • Improved physical and psychological health
  • Better sleep
  • Enhanced empathy and reduced aggression
  • Increased mental strength
  • Improved self esteem
  • Invites joy
At night before bed is when I prefer to do my gratitude journaling. Though I sometimes do it after a morning meditation or if I am in pain, sick, or in a dampened mood. Before I get out of bed I also say a few things that I am thankful for (this was inspired by Louise Hay). This helps me be more present and creates a positive start to the day.  
In the new Mind-Body Wellness class offered at Dayaalu, we focused last week on three different practices to deepen gratitude: cross overs, gratitude journaling, and gratitude tapping. In this weekly class I share a variety of natural stress reduction strategies, nutritional approaches, and mindfulness techniques for healthy living. 

Mind-Body Wellness is offered on Tuesdays 2:30-3:15pm. I look forward to seeing you there! Until then...
“Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life.” - Rumi

<![CDATA[Nettle Wisdom by Susan James]]>Wed, 17 Apr 2019 21:26:05 GMThttp://dayaalucenter.com/wellness-tips/nettle-wisdom-by-susan-jamesPicture
Susan is an amazing health and well-being practitioner! Find her at Dayaalu on Tuesdays for Mind Body Wellness at 2:30pm and Yin Yoga at 3:30pm; Intuitive Flow Yoga, Thursdays, 9am and her monthly EFT Tapping Circle. 

Nettles have emerged with spring and we are blessed to have them growing all over our island! Though we often steer clear of them due to their irritating burn when touched, once they're cooked, pureed, steamed, or used as tea, the sting dissipates and they are a superfood with many health benefits! 

·      Rich in Vitamin A, C and several B vitamins
·      Contains iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium 
·      Antioxidant properties
·      May decrease inflammation, blood pressure & Hay Fever!
·      Improves circulation 
Read more about nettle health benefits from Healthline and enjoy this fun recipe to try at home. 
Nettle Goat Cheese Gluten Free Lasagna - Susan James
29 oz. can of diced organic tomatoes
12 oz. organic tomato paste
1/2 t. thyme
2 t. honey
1/2 t. oregano
1/4 t crushed red pepper
1 bay leaf
1/4 t. garlic powder or garlic salt
2 eggs
1/2 t. salt
1/2 t. pepper
1/3 c. organic parmesan cheese
16 oz. goat cheese
4-6 cups of fresh stinging nettles
16 oz of shredded organic mozzarella cheese
1 10 oz. package of brown rice lasagna noodles (or regular wheat noodles if you like)
Add diced tomatoes, tomato paste, honey, thyme, garlic salt/powder, oregano, red pepper, and bay leaf to simmer in a saucepan for 30 minutes.  *Make sure to discard bay leaf when spreading the sauce for the lasagna.  
While sauce is cooking, cook lasagna noodles according to package instructions. 
 In a 9x13 greased dish (I use coconut oil to grease the dish) arrange half of the cooked noodles overlapping to fit.  
Using  a food processor, combine  eggs, parmesan cheese, goat cheese, pepper, salt, and fresh  This pureeing will disable the stings in the nettles, and that will also happen when they are cooked.  
Spoon half of the nettle goat cheese puree over first layer of noodles.  Then add half of the shredded mozzarella cheese on top, then half of the tomato sauce.  Repeat for another layer with noodles, goat cheese spread, mozzarella cheese, and sauce.  
Bake at preheated oven of 350 degrees for 50 minutes.  Allow lasagna to set 10 minutes before serving.  If lasagna has been made up and refrigerated beforehand bake an extra 10 minutes.  Serves 12.
